Ogilvy: Carling Black Label Soccer Song for Change

WPP 0419 Featured Work Ogilvy Carling Black label NoExcuses

Ogilvy: Carling Black Label Soccer Song for Change

#NoExcuse for gender-based violence

Despite constitutional protections, gender-based violence in South Africa remains widespread. 

Carling Black Label recognised the need to acknowledge that alcohol can be part of the problem and has used its status as a beacon of masculinity to challenge how society, specifically men, react to violence against women with the #NoExcuse campaign.

Research shows abuse rates spike after big soccer matches, where tension is high and a lot of alcohol is consumed. #NoExcuse aims to mobilise men to protect women, through driving awareness, creating conversations and providing tools for people to take positive action. 

Leveraging the sponsorship of the Soweto Derby, Ogilvy Cape Town and Carling Black Label had a female choir hijack the national football anthem, Masambe Nono. Fans sang along with gusto, until half way through, the choir changed the lyrics to highlight the issue of gender-based abuse. 

Carling Black Label NoExcuse Campaign

The non-traditional platform helped not only to engage a sold-out stadium of beer-drinking men, but with the game being highly televised and fans documenting and sharing their stadium experience, the message reached 45 million. Positive brand sentiment increased by 86% and ABInBev awarded Carling with a Global Best Practice award, which lead to the campaign being rolled out in 5 other countries.

Read more on ogilvy.co.za